Naast dat er in de loop der jaren een goede vriendschap is ontstaan houdt David me alert en scherp met zijn heldere inzichten en opmerkingen over de meest uiteenlopende zaken. Ook kunnen we ook heel vaak lachen om allerlij zaken en onszelf en dat is onbetaalbaar...
For more than 8 years Martin has supported my internet presence with a remarkable combination of skills and personal involvement – which has developed into a close friendship I deeply appreciate. His loyalty to my ‘brand’ has resulted in a site full of the best ‘tips and tricks’ to keep me high in Google ratings.
One of Martin’s qualities is his patience. As a very busy consultant, trainer, presenter and author I truly had little time for getting to grips with all the – then new – concepts. But Martin stayed patient even when I got irritated, and he never took it personally. What a blessing!
As you read, you’re probably waiting for the downside. Well, I can only say that I learned valuable communications skills through the occasional challenge that I had in making totally clear to him what I really wanted; I had to slow down and go step by step. And, I discovered I needed to check his spelling carefully! So even this downside seems to have ‘up’ qualities ... which have been frequent occasions for us to enjoy laughing at our own frailties!